Principal's Message



Welcome to Briarwood Elementary School!  I am proud of Benton County’s students and the community we serve, and the educational experiences we provide. I am so excited for this school year and am hopeful that this website will provide you with relevant, timely, and useful information about the many exciting programs and events we offer.

This school year, we will continue our efforts to improve student achievement. Our main objective is to accelerate student achievement, and our teachers and support staff have been diligently working all summer to prepare for your children to arrive! Additionally, we are constantly reflecting and refining our instructional practices to be the best we can be for each one of our students. Our commitment is to ensure all students are equipped with the tools and resources to promote creativity, character, citizenship, communication, collaboration, and critical thinking.

We highly encourage and expect parents and community members to be engaged in our school as partners in educating our students. Parents and community members have the opportunity to join our Parent Teacher Organization, as well as our Parent and Community Involvement team. Our PTO and PAC do an excellent job supporting the students and staff at Briarwood Elementary School.

Thank you very much for visiting the Briarwood Middle School website. I look forward to an opportunity to serve you and your child.